July 2020 Presidents Message


Our next meeting scheduled for July 8, 2020 has been canceled.  Hopefully by the time of our August 5th meeting, we will be in Phase 3 and can get together.

The 106k chinook being raised in cooperation with NW Salmon Research, Puyallup Tribal Hatcheries, Tacoma Public Schools, WDFW and our chapter at Narrows Marina were released the evening of June 9. The Puyallup biologist weighed the fish previously that day and they weighed 35.5 fish to the pound and were extremely healthy. All these fish were clipped, and wire coded tagged for recreational angler opportunity and ORCA enhancement.

There has not been a meeting since the March crab feed, so the jackpot remains at $260. Do not forget that at each monthly meeting, all present and paid members are eligible for the monthly membership drawing for a cash prize of not less than $150 sponsored by John Haggar of Southworth Marine.

The 2020 board looks forward to working with all of you this year. Please contact any one of us if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.

Frank Baker


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