Who We Are
We are the Puget Sound Anglers. We are dedicated to preserving your quality fisheries. We believe in the de-commercialization of Steelhead. We believe that our salmon resources can be restored to what it should be with sound biological management. We believe in the comradeship and wishes of our fellow sport fishing anglers. We believe that our grandchildren can have a higher quality fishery than we have ever had.
Meeting Info
We meet the second Wednesday of every month at Tower Lanes
Location: 6323 6th Ave Tacoma WA. 98406. (253) 564-8853
Our meetings begin at 7:00 P.M.
Upcoming Guest Speakers
January - FishNorthwest
February - Todd Girtz - Halibut Fishing
March - Jeff Norwood & Dave Bergeron - Columbia River Springer Fishing
April - Spaghetti & Clam Feed
May - Art Tachell - The art of Meatlining
June - TBA
July - Art Tachell - Salmon Derby Prep
August - Annual Salmon Derby
September - Fall Picnic Titlow Park
October - TBA
November TBA
December Christmas Party