January 2025 President Message

President’s Message for January 2025

Welcome to the New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone. I, and the other officers, hope everyone had a great holiday with family and friends. I would like to thank the past officers (Chris, Donald, Derek, Larry, and Ron) for the great job they did this past year. They will be a hard act to follow. Also, a big thanks goes to everyone involved with the planning and execution of the annual Christmas party. It was a fun and enjoyable evening for all who attended.

Your new officers for 2025 are: Vice President: Patrick S., Secretary: Larry B., Treasurer: Ethan K., Membership: Marty R., and Raffle: Ron. On behalf of the new officers, I would like to thank the members of the club with entrusting us with running the club for the upcoming new year. Planning has already begun for meeting speakers and the many events this club participates in during the year. Soon, more information will be available on the Web page and at the meetings. In January, we will have a representative from Fish Northwest speak at our meeting.

Our monthly board meetings are held at Ben Dew’s Clubhouse on the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. The address is 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA. All club members are welcome to attend and participate in board meetings. Our general meetings are held at Tower Lanes on the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. The address is 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA.

Remember, dues for 2025 are due by January 31st.

Thank you,
Bill Macaras, 2025 President

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October President Message

President’s Message for October

Welcome to October! This year is flying by quickly.

We had a great outing in Area 11 on September 7th. We were joined by 25 club members for a fishing trip. Donald Auman caught the biggest fish, a coho weighing 8.38 pounds. Thanks to everyone who joined us.

We are actively seeking dedicated volunteers to take on officer roles for the coming year. If you’re interested, please reach out for more information.

Our Christmas party is scheduled for December 6th at the VFW on 4741 N Baltimore St, Tacoma, WA. We could really use some help with the party, so please get in touch if you want to get involved.

Mark your calendars: the board meeting on October 1st at 6 pm at Ben Dew’s Clubhouse, 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA, and the general meeting on October 9th at 7 pm at Tower Lanes, 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA. Everyone is welcome.

Wishing you all a fantastic month

Chris Tremblay

GHPSA President 2024

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August President Message

Hello everyone! Get ready for our 28th annual derby on August 3rd. This year, fishing will take place in marine areas 11 and 13, with some amazing prizes up for grabs. The 1st place winner will receive $3000, 2nd place gets $2000, and 3rd place gets $1000. Participants placed 4th to 10th will have the option to choose from a selection of high-quality merchandise prizes. Tickets are priced at $40, and all paid tickets are eligible for raffle prizes. You can buy as many tickets as you like. Additionally, tickets for youth aged 14 and under are free. Youth prizes include $100 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd place, and $50 for 3rd place. To be eligible for general derby prizes, youth participants must have a paid $40 ticket. We also have a special prize for a Gig Harbor PSA member who catches the biggest fish, available exclusively to paid members. If you’re not a member or need to renew your membership, make sure to do so before August 3rd to be eligible for the club prize. Tickets can be purchased in person at various locations or online at www.gigharborpsa.org.

We have a couple of upcoming events: the board meeting on August 6th at 6 pm at Ben Dew’s Clubhouse, 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA, and the general meeting on August 14th at 7 pm at Tower Lanes, 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA. Both events are open to all, so we encourage everyone to attend and get involved.

A big thank you to all our derby sponsors! Make sure to express your gratitude if you meet any of them. Their support is invaluable, and the derby’s success depends on it. Special thanks also go to all the dedicated volunteers who play a crucial role in making the derby a success. It’s through everyone’s effort that we’re able to pull off this fantastic event for our club.

Have a great Month!

Chris Tremblay

Gig Harbor PSA President

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July President Message

It’s July! I hope everyone’s having a great summer. I want to thank all the volunteers who are helping run the club. We still need help for our Derby on August 3rd, specifically for setting up and cleaning up at the awards. Please let me know if you can help.

Our 28th annual Derby on August 3rd starts at daylight and ends at 1 pm. The weigh station is open from 8 am to 1 pm at the Point Defiance Boat House, with the awards ceremony at 3 pm.

The top three prizes are: 1st place – $3,000, 2nd place – $2,000, and 3rd place – $1,000. Thanks to Beau Mac Enterprises/SMI for donating the 1st place prize money. The raffle’s grand prize is a Lowrance Fish finder. Check our website https://gigharborpsa.org for more derby prize details. Derby tickets are $40 this year. Even if you can’t fish, buying a ticket makes you eligible for raffle prizes. There’s no limit on the number of tickets you may purchase.

Our July board meeting is on July 2nd at 6 pm at Ben Dew’s Club House, 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406.

Our next general meeting is on Wednesday, July 10th at 7 pm at Tower Lanes, 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA. Art Tachell will speak about where to fish on derby day. We’ll hold a membership drawing sponsored by John Haggard of Southworth Marine during the meeting. Remember, you must be present to win and have paid your 2024 dues.

Hope to see everyone there!

Chris Tremblay Gig Harbor  PSA President

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June President Message

As we welcome June, it’s incredible to see how fast the year is moving. Last month’s swap meet at Point Defiance Boathouse was a massive success, thanks to the generous donations and support from our club members. A big thank you to everyone who worked at the booth or contributed donations.

I want to express my gratitude to all the dedicated volunteers assisting with our net pen project. The fish are thriving, thanks to the hard work and commitment of those involved in their feeding schedule.

Last month’s speaker, Jason from Father Son Fishing, delivered an outstanding presentation on their diverse range of tackle. This month, we are excited to welcome Chris from ProLite Rod Technology, who will be sharing insights into the intricate process of building custom rods.

Mark your calendars for our next general meeting on Wednesday, June 12th at 7 pm at Tower Lanes, 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA. We will be holding a membership drawing during the meeting, sponsored by John Haggard of Southworth Marine. Remember, you must be present to win and have your dues paid for 2024.

Our upcoming Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 4th at 6 pm at Ben Dews Club House, 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA.

Looking ahead, our 28th Annual Derby is scheduled for August 3rd, and we are actively seeking volunteers to ensure its success. If you are interested in contributing to the derby, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our board members.

I hope everyone has a great month!

Chris Tremblay

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