Wow this year is going fast! We are already in March. Our February Meeting had a great turn out for Bob Buchannan from Beau Mac Enterprises, who spoke on jigging for Salmon. Thanks, Bob, for the great presentation!
Our current paid membership is 60. #5 Mark Abetz was drawn but not present. Our March membership drawing sponsored by John Haggard of Southworth Marine will be $260. You must be a current paid member to be entered in the drawing. You must be present to win.
This month’s speaker will be Tom Nelson from the Outdoor Line. If you have never seen Tom give a presentation, you won’t want to miss the March 13th meeting! Tom will be giving a presentation on downrigger techniques.
On February 24th we had our first outing of the year at Lake Washington for Cutthroat. The weather was a bit chilly, but we had eight boats come out. Fishing wasn’t hot, but most boats had a couple of fish.
Blackmouth season opens on March 1st and Saturday March 2nd will our Dick Smythe outing from daylight to 11:30 a.m. Weigh in is at Point Defiance Boathouse. It’s $10 per person and you must be a paid member to buy in. Winner takes all. (Must be a Blackmouth to weight in). Contact President Chris Tremblay if you want to participate. Your name must be on the list before the morning of Saturday, March 2.
April 10th is our spaghetti and clam feed at the VFW hall at 4741 N Baltimore St, Tacoma, WA 98407. Dinner is $25 a person. The dinner is on our regular meeting night. You can pay at the meeting in March or on the Gig Harbor Puget Sound Anglers website: Must RSVP and pay by April 1st.
We still need people to help with the upcoming summer derby. If you are willing to help, please talk to any board member. We also need to start thinking about next year’s officers. If you are interested in helping run the club, please talk to me at one of our board meetings or a general meeting.
The Board meets the first Tuesday of the month at Ben Dew’s Club 6501 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406 at 6 p.m.
Our General meeting is at Tower Lanes on the second Wednesday of the month at 6323 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406 at 7 p.m.
I hope everyone has a great month.
Chris Tremblay