February 12th’s meeting was a big success. We had 65 members in attendance for our annual crab dinner. Thanks to all those volunteers who helped make it happen. This year’s crab were large and oh so sweet! Plenty of food and drinks for all.
A lot of members came later in the evening to hear our guest speak Tom (TJ) Nelson of the ESPN Outdoor Line radio show. His presentation was on dirty downrigger tricks. Tom is a true professional and knows his stuff. He answered lots of questions with great examples and slides. I know personally I’ll probably be switching out the braid and replacing it with the stainless wire. Thanks again, Tom, for a wonderful presentation.
Big fish awards were presented as follows:
- Lady Reeler Award was presented to Maryellen Ward, for the largest fish caught (which was a salmon). The salmon weighed in at 28 pounds, 2 ounces.
- Steelhead Award was presented to Douglas Dixon II. His steelhead weighed in at 19 pounds, 11 ounces.
- Halibut Award was presented to Patrick Leahy. His halibut weighed in at 69 pounds. Patrick also won the International Salmon Award, for the largest salmon caught out of state. That salmon weighed in at 64.5 pounds.
I guess no one was proud of their Washington State salmon catches, as there were no entries.
Pete Pitman received the Golden Carp award. I can’t divulge here how he earned it, but if you ask him, I’m sure he’d like to tell you all about it. It’s all in good fun, and Pete is a good sport.
Next month’s meeting on March 12th will feature Nick Kester of All Star Charters speaking on Puget Sound Ling Cod fishing. Another pro who knows how to get it done in Puget Sound. A great opportunity for those wishing to target the wonderful fishery. Todd Girtz will be manning the fish talk table and showing us how he rigs up for deep water Lingcod. If you are interested in catching 30+ pound lings, come visit Todd.
The all PSA Clubs Fishing Derby will be held in Port Townsend on April 6th. More information will be on our newly redesigned website soon. A big thank you goes out to Jonathon Roof for putting this website together for us.
A big thanks to Southworth Marine for sponsoring our monthly membership drawings. Our March Membership drawing will be $480, as we had no winner in Feb. Must be present to win!
Lots of new member activity this past month. We welcome: Scott Haggvloom, David Irvine, Steve Lawson, Raymond Howe II, Brad Hildebrand, Werner Schmid, June Cooper, Gene Welch, and Jess and Kim Bullard. Spring is right around the corner. Getting excited about all the opportunities. Springers on the Columbia, Lingcod, Rock Fish, Halibut, Kokanee, Trout, Steelhead and Salmon! Wow!
PSAGH/T President:
Vanice Roof