September Presidents Message for Gig Harbor PSA
President: Art Tachell
Our club meeting on August 9th was mostly centered around our 27th annual salmon derby which was held on August 12th despite the early closure of MA11 which is our usual marine area to fish, which created a lively discussion as you would imagine we were able to fish MA13. Club president Art Tachell gave a brief discussion on areas to fish, gear, etc. for marine area 13.
Although the salmon fishing was a little slow and there were some pretty good tidal swings, we did have 43 salmon entered in the derby. The weather was great and 200+participants had a great time on the water. Every participant went home with a prize thanks to 40 donors that were very generous.
A special thank you to the Buchannan family of SMI/BEAUMAC, King Salmon Marine, Cressy door, SPORTCO and so many others.
The PSA Gig Harber club members did a great job putting the whole thing together. Many thanks to former president Frank Baker we could have not pulled this off without you. Thank you.
Adult derby winners.
1st place Jim Lyle 19.02lbs. $3000.00 winner.
2nd place Darren Rose 17.85lbs. $1,500.00
3rd place Casey Kuper 17.35lbs 3.5 hrs. new outboard motor.
Youth winners.
1st place Ellis Kuper 12.05lbs
2nd place Nathan Wolff 10.73lbs
3rd place Marcus Randel 10.31lbs
The winner of our membership drawing was Bill Macaras for $260.00 sponsored by Southworth Marines John Hagar of Port Orchard. Thank you, John. Next month’s drawing will be $150.00.
At our next general club meeting the one and only Duane Inglin of Fish Hunt Northwest will be our guest speaker Duane will give us some tips on fishing Willapa Harbor.
We will be having a club only Coho salmon derby on September 9th from daylight till 11 AM then meet at the North End on Pearl for the presentation of cash to the winner and then lunch and fishing stories of course.
Also, somewhere between Sept. 15th and the end of September we will start our nutrient enhancement project in the upper watershed of the Puyallup River, if you would like to help just call or email Art Tachell.
Our club board meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at Club House Grill 6501 6th Ave Tacoma Wash.
Our general club meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Tower Lanes 6323 6th Ave Tacoma Wash.
If you are interested, please come to our general club meeting and check our chapter out.
President: Art Tachell
Vice President: Pat Leahy
Treasurer Ron Hunt
Secretary Scott Douglas
Membership Derrick Wallace Raffle Jeff Stockman