August Presidents message for the Gig Harbor chapter of PSA
President Art Tachell
Our guest speaker was Blake Smith, a seasoned fisheries biologist with the Puyallup Tribe. Blake gave us an overview of all the fisheries facilities and programs in the Puyallup River watershed. Blake showed us where their facilities were located and explained what their functions were. There are conventional hatchery facilities, naturalized freshwater acclimation ponds and fresh and saltwater net pens.
Blake also covered the many barriers that salmon and steelhead had to overcome since 1906 like dams, gravel mining, effects of logging, culverts, development, etc. Blake mentioned the many habitat restoration projects that have been done that are going on now and some future projects in the works. The species Blake covered were Steelhead, Chum salmon, pink salmon, Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. Blake’s presentation was very informative and enjoyed by all. Thank you, Blake.
Our membership cash award drawing sponsored by John Hagar of Southworth Marine of Port Orchard was not claimed by member #315 so the cash award for our drawing next month will be $260.00. Thank you, John.
Our club received our permit from WDFW for up to 4000 salmon carcasses to use for nutrient enhancement in the watershed of the Puyallup River. Volunteers would be appreciated, just contact Art Tachell or Frank Baker.
Our annual all public salmon derby will keep us busy from now through August; the date is August 12, 2023.
We will be having a club only Coho salmon derby on September 9, 2023.
I would like to thank all of our volunteer members for their passion and dedication to protecting our habitat, environment and our fisheries.
President: Art Tachell
Vice President: Pat Leahy
Treasurer: Ron Hunt
Secretary: Scott Douglas
Membership: Derrick Wallace
Raffle: Jeff Stockman