NOTE: We ask that all members and guests wear a face covering (mask) if you are planning to attend. We would like to avoid any conflict at the meeting, so if you choose to attend and not plan on wearing a mask, you will be asked to leave.
Our next scheduled meeting will be on November 10th at Tower Lanes in Tacoma. Just in case you forgot here is the address 6323 6th Ave Tacoma WA. 98406. (253) 564-8853. Meeting will start at 7:00 PM but feel free to come early and swap fish stories.
The guest speaker will be Sanford Slack giving a presentation on Surf Perch fishing.
At the October meeting, member #167 Lloyd Walker was drawn and was not present. The next membership drawing will be for $600 at our November meeting. Do not forget that at each monthly meeting, all present and paid members are eligible for the monthly membership drawing for a cash prize of not less than $150 sponsored by John Hager of Southworth Marine. We would like to thank John for continuing to support us during the Covid19 pandemic.
At the September meeting it was announced we were planning to have the Christmas party on Friday, December 3rd. After discussing the current COVID changes that have been announced, the board has decided to cancel the Christmas party. It was also announced we will be selling $5.00 raffle tickets for a Scotty 1106 downrigger and the winner need not be present. It is now time to get those BIG FISH pictures into the club. The Big Fish, Volunteer Award and Downrigger raffle will be drawn at the January 2022 meeting.
At the October meeting your 2022 board of directors were nominated and approved for next year. Here are your 2022 officers:
President – Larry Bucklin
Vice President – Steve Ng
Treasurer – Ron Hunt
Secretary – Donald Auman
Please contact any one of us if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.
Frank Baker