President’s Message June 2015

During our June meeting, we held our first garage sale of the year. We will hold another one in October. There was lots of good stuff to be had. I know I ended up with a new G. Loomis rod and some Hotshot lures at a great price. Did you know that in US, 4.2 Million in revenue is generated by garage sales weekly? It again proves the saying that “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” The general meeting began at its normal time of 7:00. For those of you who have never attended one of our meetings, we hold the business portion of our chapter meeting from 7:00 to about 7:45. During this time we will have the reading of the minutes by our secretary, the financial report by our treasure, various updates by our VP, 2015 Derby update by our Derby Chairman followed by the president’s report. Also during this time our membership coordinator introduces any new members and guests and our activities director reviews our upcoming club outings. We held our monthly membership drawing for $150 and the winner was Andrew B. A double-congratulations to Andrew for winning the cash prize donated by Southworth Marine and for his upcoming marriage later this month. We also had a government’s affair report from Larry Bucklin and a final North of Falcon wrap-up report from Art Tachell. We conclude our business portion of the meeting with our fishing report, which is one of my favorite things about our meeting. It sounds like fishing opportunities are heating up just like the fantastic weather we have been having at the beginning of June.   We always have a variety reports… this time from Westport to Langara Island and various places in-between. This past meeting included reports on salmon, kokanee, halibut, bottom fish and crabbing… by the way, crabbing in area 13 has been decent but you have to be at least 150’ deep. After a brief break, we begin the last half of our meeting about 8:00 PM with our featured guest speaker and conclude with our monthly raffle drawing. Meetings are usually done by 9:00 PM and the bonus now is that it is still light outside.

Our guest speaker during our June meeting was Mark Gavin from Pro-Troll and Brad’s Lures. He gave a very detailed presentation on fishing opportunities for Columbia River Up-River-Bright’s and also about some Sockeye opportunities. Great job Mark, we appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to share your knowledge and expertise with us. There were several techniques and tips that several of are going to try and see if they will help us catch more fish.  Now that you know what a typical meeting is like, what are you waiting for to come join us? What’s not to like when the subject is mostly about fishing? Guests are always welcome.

We have more fantastic speakers lined up for the next 3 months. Our July 14th. Speaker will be Terry Wiest (Steelhead University) and he will be taking about fishing for Pinks. In my opinion, he gives one of the very best presentations on this subject. You will definitely learn to put more fish in the boat. At our August 4th Meeting (note the date change due to our August 8th Derby) Captain John Keizer will be speaking on Derby Winning Tactics and our September 8th Speaker will be Duane Englin of NW Wild Country. A great lineup of speakers for our summer!

Calling all members with boats, we have a Cast for Kids event on July 18th and we need at least 20 boats. Please sign-up at our next meeting to be a volunteer. As for other activities, we will hold our 20th Annual Salmon Derby on August 8th. Top prize is $3500 this year. Tickets are available online and will be in local stores by the time you read this. To find out more about any of the things I have been discussing about our chapter, please visit our website at We meet the second Tuesday of every month (except in August) at the Tacoma Outboard Association (646 N Wilton Road, Tacoma, WA).   Wear your lifejacket, be safe on the water, and good luck fishing…


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