March Presidents Message


Our next meeting is March 11, 2020 and will be our Annual crab feed. The dinner will be held at the Scottish Rite in Tacoma (817 South Vassault Street). This dinner will be in place of our monthly meeting and we will not have a guest speaker that evening. There will be a lady’s raffle for those in attendance. Crab salads ($25 for an 8oz tub of cracked and cleaned crab) or barbecued ribs ($15) will be the choice of dinner options. Barbecue will be provided by Proper British Bacon. Social hour 6:00 PM with dinner being served at 7:00 PM. All dinners must be prepaid in advance and ordered by March 3.  There will be no extra meals available for walk-ins. All food will be furnished by the club. We will also have a member raffle that night. Please contact Frank Baker or Roger Chapman with questions. You can pay on-line via our website at

I would like to thank Dan Ayres for his very informative presentation on Razor Clams at our February meeting. Ed Chandler, Member #4, was drawn for the membership drawing at February’s meeting and was not present. There will be no March drawing due to the annual crab feed in place of our regular monthly meeting. April’s drawing will be for $260. Don’t forget that at each monthly meeting, all present and paid members are eligible for the monthly membership drawing for a cash prize of not less than $150 sponsored by John Haggar of Southworth Marine.

The club is planning to have another table at the Pt. Defiance Spring Swap meet. Start to clean out your garages and basements of any unwanted fishing gear or tools. You can bring items to the monthly meeting or make arrangements with me to have them picked up.

The 2020 board looks forward to working with all of you this year. Please contact any one of us if you have any comments, questions or concerns.

Frank Baker


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