Our July Speaker was Tom Pollack who gave a very interesting presentation on mooching. Tom shared his simple, but very effective herring brine, along with all aspects of successful mooching. Thank you, Tom, for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us for an evening!
Michael Brazeau was at the fish talk table letting us all know what’s working at Westport. Several members have set up “fish camp” at Westport for the summer. It’s all part of the very vital fish network we rely on to catch summer kings.
Don’t forget August meeting will be the first Tuesday, August 6th, because John will be doing his preparation for our Annual Salmon Derby to be held on Saturday August 10th. Don’t miss this one. We will also be giving away another Scotty 1106 electric downrigger, and another St. Croix 10’6” downrigger rod, along with several tackle packs geared to catch Puget Sound salmon.
Jeff Zuniga has been working hard for this year’s derby and has secured lots of sponsors and great prizes. Come to the August meeting, purchase your derby tickets, and support your club. Those who won’t be fishing should still purchase tickets and attend the awards ceremony for a chance to win some great raffle prizes. Also, Jeff is looking for more volunteers to help out.
Our annual picnic this year is September 7th at Titlow beach. Always lots of fun for members and their families. I look forward to the clam chowder cook off.
Our member’s only drawing was unclaimed, so the pot gets bigger. Thanks to John Hager of Southworth Marine for sponsoring our drawing each month.
The board will meet at 6:00 P.M. at T.O.A on August 6th. All weigh-in volunteers will get together at 6:30 P.M. for training and the general meeting will follow at 7:00 P.M.
Come early, have a hot dog, and support your club!
PSAGH/T President:
Vanice Roof