President’s Message November 2022


Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, November 9 at Tower Lanes located at 6323 6th Ave., Tacoma, telephone 253-564-8853. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM but feel free to come early and swap fish stories or grab something to eat from the grill. 

Our October meeting was well attended and we had a winner of the membership drawing sponsored by John Hager’s Southworth Marine of Port Orchard.  The drawing was not won last month so was worth $370 this month.  Tom Sullivan’s name was drawn and Tom was present.  Next month’s drawing will be worth $150.  Again, thank you Southworth Marine for your continued support.

Our speaker for October was chapter member Gabe Miller.  Gabe is the buyer at Sportco and is also very involved in local fisheries issues as an advisor on two of WDFW’s advisory groups; the Puget Sound Sport Fishing Advisory Group and the Puget Sound Recreational Fisheries Enhancement Fund Oversight Committee.  Gabe did a great job in explaining the functions of those two advisory groups.  I must make a special thank you for the efforts of those groups on our behalf to include having seasons extend to allow for our Derby to be able to fish MA 11.  Thanks Gabe and also Chapter member and WDFW advisor Art Tachell.

Our speakers for November will be Kathy Kornino and Hal Boyton of the PSA Save our Salmon chapter.  Kathy and Hal will be discussing their recreational fishing experiences in Sitka.  As I understand they regularly do self-guided trips with an emphasis on big Coho.  This should be a bit different presentation and I look forward to their insights and recommendations.

We will not be having a meeting in December due to our having a Holiday party on Friday, 2 December, at the Scottish Rite facility in Tacoma.  Jeff Zuniga is doing the planning so be sure to get on the list and consider offering to prepare one of the entrees (turkey or ham) the cost of which will be reimburseable.

Details are currently being worked out for another Fall nutrient enhancement project where salmon carcasses are transported to the upper Puyallup watershed and returned to the river.

Finally, chapter elections for 2023 will be occurring.  Time to step up!

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