March 2023 Presidents message from Art Tachell.
The speaker for our February 8th general meeting was Wayne Harmond president of Northwest Salmon Research, check out their web site. Wayne discussed the history of the saltwater Chinook rearing program which started in 2018 with the first release in the spring of 2019 at Narrows Marina in Tacoma, WA and is now located at the Pt. Defiance Marina in Tacoma WA where it has been since 2021.
Wayne went into detail about the program which was very informative. Some of the collaborators are Tacoma Public Schools Science and Math Institute, Chief Leschi Schools, WDFW, PSRFEFOC, PSA Gig Harbor, Metro Parks Tacoma and of course the Puyallup Tribe.
Wayne discussed the plan to upgrade the structure to be even more fish and human friendly which occurs every year. There will be 100,000 plus baby Chinook all with their adipose fin clipped and each with a special coded wire tag installed that will designate the location where they were released from. This program will kick off this March and the Gig Harbor Chapter volunteers will be very involved this special program once again. A special thank you to all the club members for which this special science and education program would not happen.
New club member Don Lillegard was drawn for our members cash prize and was awarded $370.00 sponsored by John Hagar’s Southworth Marine, thank you John.
Our next scheduled general meeting will be March 8th, 2023, at Tower Lanes 6323 6th Ave. Tacoma, WA 253-564-8853. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM, feel free to come early to swap fishing stories and grab something to eat at the grill. Our speaker for the March 8th meeting will be Justin Wong of Cutplug Charter and he will discuss fishing techniques which should be very informative.
We will be having a Gig Harbor chapter members only salmon fishing derby scheduled for March 18th, 2023, in MA13 sunrise to 1:00 PM. The entry fee is $10 per person and payable at the March meeting. Weigh-in will be at Pt. Defiance boathouse starting at 9:00 AM.
General meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM location Tower Lanes 6323 6th Ave Tacoma, WA. Board meeting first Tuesday of the month at Clubhouse Grill 6501 6th Ave Tacoma, WA.
- President: Art Tachell
- 253-691-0811
- Vice President and Derby Chair: Pat Leahy
- 253-380-6056
- Treasurer: Ron Hunt
- Membership: Derrick Wallace
- Secretary: Scott Douglas
- Raffle: Jeff Stockman