President’s Message for September 2015


We had our meeting, as usual, on the 2nd Tuesday of September.  We have 1 new member and we had no winner for our monthly membership drawing which is sponsored by Southworth Marine. We have the final tally and there were 347 participants in our 20th annual Salmon Derby. The big winner was Doug Dixon II, one of our club members. Congratulations!   Crab season is now closed so turn in your summer catch cards, online or by mail.

Elections for board positions are upon us once again this year and we need to replace our President, Vice President, and Secretary. This year’s Treasurer, Thom Names, was re-nominated for a second term and had agreed to stay on. We are also in need of a Membership Chairman, Raffle Guy and Activities Director.  Jeff Stockman has said he will remain as the beverage guy. This is your opportunity to get involved in your club!  Anyone wishing to volunteer can reach out to one of the current officers for more details.  Remember, there are some perks that come with each office so get ‘em while you can. Our regularly scheduled speaker was unable to attend so Mark Abetz, one of our club members, took the podium instead.  He gave a talk on “Crossing the Bar,”   Mark is well versed in this topic and proceeded to scare the pants off most of us. Todd Girtz was kind enough to help elaborate. Both were very entertaining and quite helpful as well as adding a good measure of caution.

Our next meeting is on October 13th.  This will also be the last club-only garage sale of the year. Doors will open at 5:30. As usual there will be hotdogs, chips and beverages. The speaker for our October meeting will be John Hagar from Southworth marine.  John always does a nice job talking about boat and trailer maintenance.  Very timely for those who like to winterize your boat.

Our November 10th meeting will feature Larry Phillips from the WDFW.  This should be a very lively discussion and we learn about the Salmon fisheries for areas 11 and 13.  Our final meeting for the year will be on December 8th.  This will be our annual Christmas Potluck as we conclude another fantastic year.  Our last outing for the year will also be in December, our Dick Smythe Blackmouth Derby.  Check out our website for the exact date of this derby.  Please check out our website or Facebook page for the latest updates regarding our sponsors, meetings and our club activities.  We meet the second Tuesday of every month (except in August) at the Tacoma Outboard Association (646 N Wilton Road, Tacoma, WA).   We have one of the best fishing clubs around!  Stop waiting and come check us out.  Guests are always welcome.  Wear your lifejacket, be safe on the water, and good luck fishing!

Subbing for our working leader…

Thom Names Treasurer





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