President’s Message from Bill Brengman:
Tuesday May 10th, the Gig Harbor chapter of the PSA had their monthly general meeting at the Towers Bowling Alley on 6 ave in Tacoma. While we had our business portion of the meeting we discussed the Salmon fishing in Puget Sound. It is amazing how the State can be held Hostage to a group who have found every grey area in the laws to cause the State Congress panic and fear going up against this group. The problem is they see the few dollars that goes into the hands of these few leaders and ignore the hundreds of thousands that go back into the tax base from recreational fishing. Thank goodness we have a WDFW Director that is willing to put the State first. Thank you Jim Unsworth.
Our Chapter will have 2 tables at the Pt. Defiance Swap Meet on May 21st. We will have lots of great fishing and boating gear on the tables.
Our speakers were Toni Pollock-Bozarth and Ron Hunt who had a great discussion on Kokanee fishing. Our meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month starting at the Towers Bowling alley on 6th Ave in Tacoma all guests are welcome.