President’s Message for March 2015

We had another fantastic meeting on March 10th. The meeting was well attended, in fact our chapter is growing. We had 6 new members who joined our club this month. We look forward to meeting each of you and welcome your participation in our chapter. So if you have been reading through the various Puget Sound Angler Chapter messages month after month and still not attended a meeting, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in fishing and want to learn more, PSA has 15 chapters to select from. I dare say that some of the best fishermen and women I know of are actively involved in PSA. Come check us out if you are in the Tacoma or Gig Harbor area. While our primary focus is on salt water fishing, we also talk about river and lake opportunities as well. In fact, our April guest speaker will be Bill Herzog from Northwest Wild Country. He will be speaking on Kokanee fishing… just in time to get us all primed for our May 16th Kokanee outing on American Lake. Our May 12th guest speaker is also a co-host from Northwest Wild Country, we are excited to welcome Duane Englin as our guest. He will be sharing information on “Float and Bait fishing for Springers.”   We also have Mark Gavin from Pro-Troll joining us at our June 9th meeting and he will be talking about “Upper Columbia River Sockeye and Kings Salmon opportunities.”  The forecast for Upper River Bright’s is predicted to the 3rd highest return ever!  Now you have 3 great reasons to be a part of what’s happening at one of our upcoming meetings.

Back to our March meeting. We had a winner of our monthly membership drawing sponsored by Southworth Marine. Steve C. went home $150 happier. That’s 2 winners during the past 2 consecutive months. The monthly drawing for April will remain at $150. We presented Maryellen Ward with her largest fish award and cash prize. Congratulations Maryellen… Our guest speaker for the night was Todd Girtz of Todd’s Extreme Fishing ( What a talk! The slide deck had numerous pictures of trophy size Lingcod, halibut, and Salmon. You get the full meal deal when Todd speaks. I know he presented a little over an hour and we were all captivated by his presentation. It was off the hook! Thanks Todd! Todd is now chartering so if you are interested, checkout his website listed above. We held a special raffle for a bunch of Pro-Troll fishing products that were generously donated by Mark Gavin and we concluded our meeting with our regular raffle drawing.

We have a great chapter who loves to fish and learn about fishing. If you want to become a better fisherman, come check us out! Guests are always welcome. Checkout our website or Facebook page for the latest updates regarding our meetings and our club activities. We meet the second Tuesday of every month (except in August) at the Tacoma Outboard Association (646 N Wilton Road, Tacoma, WA).   Wear your lifejacket, be safe on the water, and good luck fishing…

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