On August 13 the Gig Harbor Chapter had their 21st Salmon Derby.This turned out to be another successful derby.
Adam Hunt won 1st place with a 10.04lb Salmon. Darren Rose won 2nd with 17lbs 08oz, 3rd place was Derrick Cline 15.09lbs. Kathy Webster was our ladies winner with a 10.03 Salmon, Blake Combs won our youth prize with 5.09lbs.ant to thank Bob Watts our derby chairman, Thom Names who put in a lot of time helping out and Jeff Zuniga used his knowledge and help to put on a great derby. Bass Pro Shop who gave us the great covered area for our awards ceremony and bar-b-que. September is our picnic held on the 1st Saturday of September at Owens Beach. Our Septembers meeting we will have John Hagar from Southworth Marine on winterizing your boat and the effects of ethanol sitting in your engine over the winter.
Our meetings are open the the public and held at the Towers Lanes on 6th Ave in Tacoma the 2nd Tuesday of every month, starting at 7pm.