Our general meeting was held on November 12th at 7:00 PM. Attendance was good considering that many of our members were attending the annual club outing in Mexico. I haven’t heard many catch reports, but from the few members that had returned, it sounded like it was another great time south-of-the-border. We held our monthly membership drawing and unfortunately the member selected was not in attendance. Sorry Chuck! For our next drawing, the amount will be up to $260. Thanks to John Hager at Southworth Marine for continuing to sponsor our monthly membership drawing. The board voted to defer our annual officer elections for 2014 until January’s Meeting. In the future, our annual elections will be held in October. This will allow newly elected officers to attend a couple of board meetings prior to officially taking office in January and also avoid holding elections during the same time as our annual club outing in Mexico. Therefore, final nominations and voting will take place at our January 14th meeting for 2014 officers and then again next October for 2015 officers. John Hager, from Southworth Marine, gave a very timely and informative talk on winterizing your boat and the effects of ethanol in our fuel. This was a very interactive session and was much appreciated. I heard lots of great feedback regarding this talk. Thanks John for sharing your expertise in this area.
Our December meeting will be on the 10th at 6:00 PM. This is our annual Christmas Party and potluck and will be held an hour earlier than normal. There will be no guest speaker for this event, but rumor has it we will have a special guest from the North Pole. This is a family event and we are requesting that you please RSVP. If you have kids, we need their gender and age so we can get an appropriate gift. Instructions for what to bring will be posted on our website and we will also send out postcards with similar information. Saturday, December 7th is our member’s only Blackmouth Derby in Honor of Dick Smythe. Don’t forget that participation in our monthly events earns you points towards our “Fisherman of the Year” award.
For those of you who are current members, it is time to renew your annual memberships for 2014. In addition to renewing in-person or via USPS, you can also renew your membership online at our website ( As we near the end of year, it is also time to submit your entry for our annual “Largest Fish” awards. You can submit your entry at our December meeting or send it via mail. It must be postmarked by December 31st to qualify. Submission forms are on our website or will be available at our December meeting.
We meet the second Tuesday of every month at the Tacoma Outboard Association (646 N. Wilton Road, Tacoma, WA). Our January speakers will be Ron Garner (PSA President) and Carl Burke (PSA Lobbyist) and both are board members of Fish NW. This should be a very informative discussion. Guests are always welcome and we hope to see all of our members in attendance! This meeting will return to its normal start time of 7:00 PM, but come early and grab a hot dog.
Wear your lifejacket, be safe on the water and good luck fishing!