November Presidents Message for Gig Harbor – Tacoma PSA
President: Art Tachell
At our Oct. 11th chapter meeting Josh Hughes and Nate Alvord representatives for Scotty Downriggers gave a presentation on the difference in Scotty Downrigger models, their features, how to care for and operate. They also discussed some of the components that may need replacing depending on how much use the downrigger gets used and advised keeping some basic repair components on hand just in case one goes bad which could ruin a fishing trip. There are also many professional repair centers throughout Puget Sound and the Straits, our local repair center is SPORTCO in Fife WA.
Scotty Downriggers are a major supporter of sportfishing in Washington and beyond, thank you Scotty.
Our speaker for our November 8th chapter meeting will be Bill Batson of Batson Enterprises the makers of Quality fishing rods and components for building fishing rods, this would be a great opportunity to learn all about how fishing rods and their components are made.
Batson Enterprises are also great supporters of the Sport fishing community, thank you Bill.
The chapter member monthly drawing sponsored by John Hagar of Southworth Marine was for $260.00 and was not claimed because the member drawn was not present so next month it will be $370.00.
The chapter meeting was well attended with several new members that signed up and several visitors that came to check out our chapter.
Our Puyallup River watershed nutrient enhancement project in which we partner with the Auburn Chapter this year will be taking four totes of Coho salmon carcasses from Voights Creek Hatchery for dispersing on 10/18/2023 and 10/25/2023 which will conclude this project for 2023, when we are done, we will have dispersed 1,700+ Chinook and Coho carcasses.
Our annual chapter XMAS party will be on December 1, it is always a fun event for the entire family for more information call Frank Baker 623-221-7317 or Art Tachell 253-691-0811.
Our general chapter meeting is being held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM at Tower Lanes which has a restaurant at their establishment. The location of Tower Lanes is 6323 6th Ave. Tacoma Wash.
Our board meeting is on the first Tuesday of every month at 6PM at the Club House Grill located at 6501 6th Ave. Tacoma Wash.
Art Tachell
Vice President:
Pat Leahy
Secretary: Scott Douglas
Treasurer: Ron Hunt
Membership: Derrick Wallace.