June 2022 Presidents Message


Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, June 8 at Tower Lanes located at 6323 6th Ave., Tacoma, telephone 253-564-8853. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM but feel free to come early and swap fish stories or grab something to eat from the grill. Our June speaker will be Capt. John Keizer discussing ocean salmon fishing gear and tactics. If you have a speaker suggestion or wish to volunteer, please let me know.

Our May membership drawing sponsored by John Hager of Southworth Marine in Port Orchard was for $160. Fred Barnes’ name was drawn but he was not present. Next month’s drawing will be for $260. Thanks again to Southworth Marine.

Our speaker for May was WDFW LE Officer Jeff Summit who is assigned to our area. Officer Summit provided information on regs as well as current activities in the area and some personal stories. Good stuff and he was very interactive with the group. We are very glad to have him working for us and the resource.

Club members were active putting together the salmon rearing pen and moving it into place at Pt. Defiance Marina. The Puyallup Tribe delivered 50K fish and WDFW is scheduled to provide an additional 50K before this report is published. If you want to sign up for feeding see our webpage.

The swap meet was at Pt. Defiance was a success and we plan on participating next year.. If you have anything to donate for next year please bring it to a meeting or let us know.

Contacts with Metro Parks Tacoma event planning staff has confirmed no conflicts over the dates for derbies to be held the first and second Saturdays of August. However, look for potential parking problems on 16 July when an event is scheduled at Dune Park. As of this date we do not know if it will be an afternoon or evening event.

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