August 2022 Presidents Message


DERBY TIME!!  Our derby will be held Saturday, 13 August, with fishing in MA 11 and MA 13.  More info is available on our social media.  Tickets remain $35 for adults and free for youth 14 and under.  Tickets are available online at GIGHARBORPSA.ORG and at Sportco, Narrows Bait and Tackle and Ace Hardware Gig Harbor.  

Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, August 10 at Tower Lanes located at 6323 6th Ave., Tacoma, telephone 253-564-8853. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM but feel free to come early and swap fish stories or grab something to eat from the grill.  Our August speaker will be Art Tachell who will provide current information on local fisheries just in time for our Derby.   If you have a speaker suggestion or wish to volunteer please let me know

Our July membership drawing sponsored by John Hager of Southworth Marine in Port Orchard was won by Bill Macaras who was present when his name was drawn.  The August drawing will be for $160.  Thanks again to Southworth Marine.

Our speaker for July was local resident Tom Harwood who brought in displays of antique tackle and lures and spoke about the development of fishing equipment to include local Puget Sound/Tacoma manufacturers.   If you see Tom and his display at the Puyallup show stop and say hello.

Net Pen Update:  The 100K+ young Chinook have been released and on their way and nets have been removed, cleaned and stored.   The Puyallup tribe’s biologist advised that they have found returning fish  this summer at their hatchery which were graduates of the net pen operation when it was at Narrows Marina.  Plans are now underway for 2023.  Thanks to all the organizations and individuals who made this another successful year.

The 11 September picnic is well into the planning stage.  If you are interested please attend our next meeting and get your name on the attendee list.

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