President’s Message for October

For our October meeting we held our last club-only garage sale for 2014.  A lot of good stuff at bargain prices.  Thank you to everyone who participated.    Our general meeting started at 7:00 PM.  We held our annual club elections for new officers.  The following club members have been elected for 2015:

President – Jeff Zuniga

Vice President – Andy Gakin

Secretary – Bob Watts

Treasurer – Thom Names

Congratulations to everyone elected and thanks for serving our club!  The newly elected officers will officially begin their roles in January.   We had 2 new members join our club.  Welcome Rod Friesen and Ken Pfeifle.  We held our monthly membership drawing and there was no winner.  That means the drawing will be $260 for the November meeting. A big thanks to Southworth Marine for continuing to sponsor our monthly membership drawing.  Our speaker for the night was Andy Anderson from King Trailers (  Andy is the sales manager and has been involved in the trailer industry for many years.  He shared a lot of good information especially about some of the newer features that are available on trailers as well as upgrades that can be retrofit on your existing trailer.  This was very informative talk and very well received by our members.  Thanks again Andy.  We concluded our meeting with our regular raffle drawing.


Calling all derby sponsors and volunteers…Our derby in 2015 will be our 20th year and we plan on making it our biggest and best!  We have begun recruiting our volunteers that will be needed to help plan and organize our 2015 derby.  Get involved and support your club!  As we announced previously, our club is now officially a 501c3.  Donations to our club are now tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

The November meeting will feature Jim Owens from the C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation.  This is one of the primary organizations we like to help support.  Don’t miss out and find out more about the C.A.S.T for Kids Foundation.  In December we will hold our Christmas Potluck Dinner.  There will be no guest speakers for this meeting, but I have been told there will be a special appearance by a man in a red suit that hails from the North Pole.    This is a family event and will be the last club activity for 2014.  The last club outing will be our annual Dick Smythe Derby on December 6th.  This is a club-only event in honor of Dick Smythe.  We will be fishing area 11 and weigh-in will be at the Tides Tavern at noon.  Checkout our website or Facebook page for the latest updates regarding our meetings and our club activities.  We meet the second Tuesday of every month (except in August) at the Tacoma Outboard Association (646 N Wilton Road, Tacoma, WA).   We have one of the best fishing clubs around!  Stop waiting and come check us out.  Guests are always welcome.  Wear your lifejacket, be safe on the water, and good luck fishing

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